Sunday, October 9, 2011

Random stuff and fall gardens

I ran into a friend I hadn't seen in a while at the ball park yesterday (while I was there for 3-4hrs with my boy). She commented that she read, and loved my blog about shopping. That was such a nice pick me up because I never knew she even read it. So even though folks may not be a follower, somewhere they might be reading. Cool!!
Yesterday I got adventurous and completely ripped out my backyard garden (well except for the decorative grasses and my daughters strawberry plants).  It was a disgusting mix of old and very old flowers, weeds, stuff! I even yanked out the chrysanthemums. Yes I know they're in season and come up every year but after 7 years they were looking tired (don't we all).  So today I'm looking online for fall gardening ideas that don't involve actual planting.
 Here's what I'm aiming for. So number 1 son and I are off to buy hay/straw bales, pumpkins and chrysanthemums this morning when we take Hurricane Caite to synchro practise. I'll post the before and after pics later.

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